Rekomendasi Usaha Pemerintah Kabupaten Bulukumba Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Nomor : 06/PUP.3-Budpar/Rek/X/2012
Tanjung Bira terletak di daerah ujung paling selatan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, tepatnya di Kecamatan Bonto Bahari, Kabupaten Bulukumba. Tanjung bira terkenal dengan pantai pasir putihnya yang cantik dan menyenangkan. Airnya jernih, baik untuk tempat berenang dan berjemur. Disini kita dapat menikmati matahari terbit dan terbenam dengan cahayanya yang berkilau nenbersit pada hamparan pasir putih sepanjang puluhan kilometer.
Pantai bira yang sudah terkenal hingga mancanegara, kini sudah ditata secara apik menjadi kawasan wisata yang patutu di andalkan. Berbagai sarana sudah
tersedia, seperti perhotelan, restoran, serta sarana telekomunikasi, pantai bira berlokasi sekitar 41 km kearah timur dari kota bulukumba. dengan pelabuhan penyeberangan fery yang menghubungkan daratan Sulawesi Selatan dengan pulau selayar.
Keindahan PantaiTanjung Bira merupakan pantai pasir putih yang cukup terkenal di Sulawesi Selatan. Pantai ini termasuk pantai yang bersih, tertata rapi, dan air lautnya jernih. Keindahan dan kenyamanan pantai ini terkenal hingga ke mancanegara. Turis-turis asing dari berbagai negara banyak yang berkunjung ke tempat ini untuk berlibur.
Tanjung Bira menawarkan jenis penyelaman yang agak berbeda dibandingkan tempat lain di Indonesia. Jenis petualangan bawah laut yang penuh tantangan, dengan lokasi penyelaman berarus ditemani ikan hiu jenis white tip dan black tip yang bersliweran disekitar peselam. Sebagian titik penyelaman disini direkomendasikan bagi peselam-peselam berpengalaman yang menyukai jenis penyelaman yang beresiko karena kondisi arus yang kadang-kadang cukup kuat. Namun demikian ada pula beberapa titik penyelaman yang dapat di akses dengan mudah oleh peselam pemula. Bira merupakan salah satu tempat yang dengan mudah anda dapat berinteraksi pasif dengan ikan hiu dimana tempat semacam ini sudah sangat jarang di Indonesia.

Snorkling di Liukang
Lokasi Liukang Loe persis di depan Pantai Tanjung Bira. Dari bibir pantai, pulau ini tampak jelas. Dan, untuk mencapai Liukang Loe, Anda bisa menyewa perahu motor. Biaya sewa biasanya sekitar Rp 750.000. Perahu tersebut mampu memuat sekitar sepuluh orang. Perjalanan ke Liukang Loe hanya berkisar 10 menit hingga 15 menit. Pulau yang hanya dihuni beberapa keluarga ini sebenarnya biasa saja. Keistimewaannya justru terletak di perairan di sekitar pulau itu.
Ya, perairan di sekitar Liukang Loe sangat jernih. Tak cuma itu, di bawah permukaan air, Anda bisa menemukan pemandangan yang menakjubkan. Anda bisa melihat terumbu karang nan cantik, bintang laut maupun ikan laut berwarna-warni. Sangat indah.
Selam permukaan alias snorkling pun menjadi aktivitas yang menyenangkan untuk menikmati pemandangan bawah laut. Peralatan snorkling bisa Anda sewa di Tanjung Bira. Untuk menyewa seperangkat alat menyelam tersebut biayanya sebesar Rp 500.000.
Buat Anda yang tak pandai berenang, tak perlu cemas. Pasalnya, Anda akan dibekali jaket pelampung sehingga dijamin tidak akan tenggelam. Dibandingkan turis asing, wisatawan lokal jarang tertarik untuk snorkling," kata Mansyur, salah seorang supir perahu yang kerap mengantar turis mancanegara ke Liukang Loe.
Kawasan wisata Pantai Tanjung Bira dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas, seperti restoran, penginapan, villa, bungalow, dan hotel dengan tarif mulai dari Rp. 250.000,- hingga Rp. 850.000,- per hari. Di tempat ini juga terdapat persewaan perlengkapan diving dan snorkling dengan tarif Rp. 500.000,-. Bagi pengunjung yang selesai berenang di pantai, disediakan kamar mandi umum dan air tawar untuk membersihkan pasir dan air laut yang masih lengket di badan. Bagi pengunjung yang ingin berkeliling di sekitar pantai, tersedia persewaan motor dengan tarif Rp. 65.000,-.
Akses dan Akomodasi
Tanjung Bira terletak sekitar 40 km dari Kota Bulu Kumba, atau 200 km dari Kota Makassar. Perjalanan dari Kota Makassar ke Kota Bulukumba dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan angkutan umum berupa mobil Kijang, Panther atau Innova dengan tarif sebesar Rp. 35.000,-. Selanjutnya, dari Kota Bulukumba ke Tanjung Bira dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan mobil pete-pete (mikrolet) dengan tarif berkisar antara Rp. 8.000,- sampai – Rp. 10.000,-. Total waktu perjalanan dari Kota Makassar ke Tanjung Bira sekitar 3 – 3,5 jam.
Jika pengunjung berangkat dari Bandara Hasanuddin, langsung menuju ke terminal Malengkeri (Kota Makassar) dengan menggunakan taksi yang tarifnya sekitar Rp. 200.000,-. Di terminal ini kemudian naik bus tujuan Bulukumba atau yang langsung ke Tanjung Bira.
Di kawasan wisata Tanjung Bira, angkutan umum beroperasi hanya sampai sore hari. Jika pengunjung harus kembali ke Kota Makassar pada sore itu juga, di sana tersedia mobil carteran (sewaan) dengan tarif Rp. 1.500.000,-.
Yang berminat call me : +62411-5422970 (hendra scott)
Layanan Antar jemput : +6281 356 179 167 (hendra scott)
Tanjung Bira is located in the southernmost tip of South Sulawesi province, precisely in the District Bonto Bahari, Bulukumba. Tanjung pleased with the famous white sand beaches are beautiful and fun.The water was crystal clear, good for swimming and sunbathing spot. Here we can enjoy the sunrise and sunset with the light shining on the white sand nenbersit along tens of kilometers.
Pleased beaches that are well known to foreign tourists, has now been laid out nicely into a tourist area patutu in the count. Various facilities are available, such as hospitality, restaurants, and telecommunications facilities, the beach is located approximately evenly spaced 41 km to the east of the city Bulukumba. the ferry crossing the harbor that connects the mainland with the island of South Sulawesi a screen.
The beauty of the beach
Tanjung Bira is a white sand beach which is quite popular in South Sulawesi. These include coastal beaches are clean, neat, and clear sea water. The beauty and comfort of the beach is well known to the world. Foreign tourists from many different countries who visited this place for a vacation.
Tanjung Bira beach is very beautiful and spectacular with white sand as soft as flour. At the site, visitors can swim, sunbathing, diving and snorkeling. Visitors can also watch the sunrise and sunset in the same position, and can enjoy the beauty of the two islands in front of this beach, which Liukang Island and Goat Island.Underwater beauty
Tanjung Bira offers a somewhat different type of dives than anywhere else in Indonesia. Type of undersea adventure full of challenges, with dive sites accompanied by fast-flowing type of white tip sharks and black tip which bersliweran around divers. Most of the diving point here is recommended for experienced divers, divers who love this type of diving that are at risk because of current conditions that are sometimes quite strong. However, there are some points that can dive with easy access by novice divers. Bira is one place you can easily interact passively with sharks where these places are very rare in Indonesia.
Snorkeling in Liukang
Loe Liukang location right in front of Tanjung Bira. From the beach, this island was evident. And, to achieve Liukang Loe, you can rent a motor boat. The rental fee is usually around Rp 750,000. The boat is able to carry about ten people. Travel to Liukang Loe is only about 10 minutes to 15 minutes. The island is only inhabited by some families this is actually normal. It features precisely located in the waters around the island.
Yes, the waters around Liukang Loe very clear. Not only that, beneath the surface of the water, you can find an amazing sight. You can see pretty coral, starfish and colorful fish. It was beautiful.
Surface dive snorkeling alias becomes a fun activity to enjoy the underwater scenery. You can rent snorkeling equipment at Tanjung Bira. To rent a set of diving equipment is the cost of Rp 500,000.
For those of you who can not swim very well, no need to worry.Because, you will be equipped with life jackets so guaranteed not to sink. Compared to foreign tourists, local travelers are rarely attracted to snorkeling, "said Mansyur, a boat driver who often take tourists to Liukang Loe.
Tanjung Bira beach tourist area is equipped with various facilities such as restaurants, hotels, villas, bungalows, and hotels with rates ranging from Rp. 250.000, - to Rp. 850.000, - per day. In this place there is also a diving and snorkeling equipment rental rate Rp.500.000, -. For visitors who completed a swim at the beach, public bathrooms and provided fresh water to clean the sand and sea water is still sticky in the body. For visitors who want to tour around the beach, bike rentals are available at the rate of Rp. 65.000, -.
Access and Accommodation
Tanjung Bira is located about 40 km from the town of Kumba Fur, or 200 km from Makassar. The trip from Makassar to the City Bulukumba can be reached by public transportation services Kijang, Panther or Innova at a tariff of Rp. 35.000, -. Furthermore, from the city of Tanjung Bira Bulukumba to be reached by car pete-pete (microbus) with rates ranging between Rp. 8000, - to - Rp.10.000, -. Total travel time from Tanjung Bira to Makassar city about 3 - 3.5 hours.
If the visitor departs from Hasanuddin Airport, go directly to the terminal Malengkeri (Makassar) by taxi at a rate of approximately Rp. 200.000, -. In this terminal and then take a bus or a destination Bulukumba directly to Tanjung Bira.
In the tourist area of Tanjung Bira, public transportation to operate only until the afternoon. If visitors have to go back to the city of Makassar in the afternoon, there are a chartered car (rental) at the rate of Rp. 1.500.000, -.
The cost of admission to the location of Tanjung Bira of Rp. 5000,-
Pleased beaches that are well known to foreign tourists, has now been laid out nicely into a tourist area patutu in the count. Various facilities are available, such as hospitality, restaurants, and telecommunications facilities, the beach is located approximately evenly spaced 41 km to the east of the city Bulukumba. the ferry crossing the harbor that connects the mainland with the island of South Sulawesi a screen.
The beauty of the beach
Tanjung Bira is a white sand beach which is quite popular in South Sulawesi. These include coastal beaches are clean, neat, and clear sea water. The beauty and comfort of the beach is well known to the world. Foreign tourists from many different countries who visited this place for a vacation.
Tanjung Bira beach is very beautiful and spectacular with white sand as soft as flour. At the site, visitors can swim, sunbathing, diving and snorkeling. Visitors can also watch the sunrise and sunset in the same position, and can enjoy the beauty of the two islands in front of this beach, which Liukang Island and Goat Island.Underwater beauty
Tanjung Bira offers a somewhat different type of dives than anywhere else in Indonesia. Type of undersea adventure full of challenges, with dive sites accompanied by fast-flowing type of white tip sharks and black tip which bersliweran around divers. Most of the diving point here is recommended for experienced divers, divers who love this type of diving that are at risk because of current conditions that are sometimes quite strong. However, there are some points that can dive with easy access by novice divers. Bira is one place you can easily interact passively with sharks where these places are very rare in Indonesia.
Snorkeling in Liukang
Loe Liukang location right in front of Tanjung Bira. From the beach, this island was evident. And, to achieve Liukang Loe, you can rent a motor boat. The rental fee is usually around Rp 750,000. The boat is able to carry about ten people. Travel to Liukang Loe is only about 10 minutes to 15 minutes. The island is only inhabited by some families this is actually normal. It features precisely located in the waters around the island.
Yes, the waters around Liukang Loe very clear. Not only that, beneath the surface of the water, you can find an amazing sight. You can see pretty coral, starfish and colorful fish. It was beautiful.
Surface dive snorkeling alias becomes a fun activity to enjoy the underwater scenery. You can rent snorkeling equipment at Tanjung Bira. To rent a set of diving equipment is the cost of Rp 500,000.
For those of you who can not swim very well, no need to worry.Because, you will be equipped with life jackets so guaranteed not to sink. Compared to foreign tourists, local travelers are rarely attracted to snorkeling, "said Mansyur, a boat driver who often take tourists to Liukang Loe.
Tanjung Bira beach tourist area is equipped with various facilities such as restaurants, hotels, villas, bungalows, and hotels with rates ranging from Rp. 250.000, - to Rp. 850.000, - per day. In this place there is also a diving and snorkeling equipment rental rate Rp.500.000, -. For visitors who completed a swim at the beach, public bathrooms and provided fresh water to clean the sand and sea water is still sticky in the body. For visitors who want to tour around the beach, bike rentals are available at the rate of Rp. 65.000, -.
Access and Accommodation
Tanjung Bira is located about 40 km from the town of Kumba Fur, or 200 km from Makassar. The trip from Makassar to the City Bulukumba can be reached by public transportation services Kijang, Panther or Innova at a tariff of Rp. 35.000, -. Furthermore, from the city of Tanjung Bira Bulukumba to be reached by car pete-pete (microbus) with rates ranging between Rp. 8000, - to - Rp.10.000, -. Total travel time from Tanjung Bira to Makassar city about 3 - 3.5 hours.
If the visitor departs from Hasanuddin Airport, go directly to the terminal Malengkeri (Makassar) by taxi at a rate of approximately Rp. 200.000, -. In this terminal and then take a bus or a destination Bulukumba directly to Tanjung Bira.
In the tourist area of Tanjung Bira, public transportation to operate only until the afternoon. If visitors have to go back to the city of Makassar in the afternoon, there are a chartered car (rental) at the rate of Rp. 1.500.000, -.
The cost of admission to the location of Tanjung Bira of Rp. 5000,-
contact us: +62411-5422970
Shuttle service: +6281 356 179167
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